Scrap-It’s metal recycling division buys metals
Payment is based on the current market price, grade, and quantity. Quantities smaller than our minimum weight accepted for payment can be disposed of in our drop box free of charge. The drop box is located just outside our gate and is available 24/7.
- ID required for payments
- 1000 pound minimum weight for steel
- Completely paved facility with indoor recycling
- All scales have digital readouts that can be viewed by customer
Recycle a wide range of ferrous metals and unwanted items
Ferrous metal recycling types accepted:
- Tin
- Steel
- Cast Steel
- Obsolete Equipment
- Iron
- Junk cars
- Obsolete farm and logging scrap
- Household scrap including appliances*, lawn mowers, bicycles, exercise equipment and small electronics.
*Appliances with freon will be charged a $35 removal fee.
We do not accept garbage, wood, glass, televisions, computer monitors, dirt, tires, contaminated or flammable materials.
We can pick up and haul your scrap away. Nothing too large for us to handle. Call for details.